Sheffield University Officer Elections 2016 (Development Officer)
Development officer time! Today’s special bonus round is “Food Waste”!
- Post
- Development
- Areas of remit
- Business | Finance | Innovation
- Description
- Campaigning to make the University and our Students' Union more sustainable
- Ensuring the Students' Union is technologically developing based on students' needs
- Feeding students' demands into the financial governance of the Students' Union, for example by redesigning the way committees' budgets are set
Michael Kind
- Slogan
- 1 of A Kind
- Rating
- 4/10: A bit unimaginative, though at least you tried
I’ve been lucky enough to be involved with a lot of what our Student’s Union has to offer. I’ve been a part of People and Planet’s successful fossil fuel divestment campaign (Dammit, I should’ve given a point for this one), and helped to start and run the Save Our Sandwiches (FOR TOO LONG HAVE THEY BEEN SHACKLED IN OUR SHOPS) initiative - saving 10,000 items of food from waste in one year alone!
Here’s what I want to achieve:
Eliminate food waste from SU shops and events, ensuring that any unsold/uneaten food is redistributed to the those in need. (I’m fairly certain that’s already a thing)
Conduct a review of Student Union produce to ensure that food miles and carbon impact are kept to a minimum. (… What?)
Continue to support the Fossil Free campaign (Secondary ding!), challenging the power that the fossil fuel companies (Do they really have that much power?) have in our University.
Install ‘food saving’ fridges across campus, providing students with a place to share leftover/unused food (Oh god, that’s so going to go wrong. I look forward to Health and Safety getting their hands on that), preventing waste and saving money for everybody (Except for the person buying all that extra food).
Worker’s Rights
Work to ensure that all University and Union staff members receive a living wage (Good aims, though I think you’ll be ignored).
Promote healthy work culture in the SU by ensuring longer breaks for staff (How long do they currently get?).
Support the Sweatshop Free campaign, by convincing the University to purchase electronics equipment from ethical suppliers (Actually, it’s about ethics in electronics).
Amplifying Student Voices (I CAN’T HEAR YOU!)
Work to ensure that societies and student initiatives can easily access the extra funding that is available to them, by providing clear information and guidance (Noble aims).
Organise a series of workshops on current issues (Who decides what’s current?), so that students are empowered to hold our University accountable for its actions.
Hold a forum (Those sound heavy) where students can voice concerns directly to University management.
Score: 5/10. I don’t even think I dislike you…
Ashwin Chithraveni Ashok
- Slogan
- Your vision, my mission!
- Rating
Why me? (You’re not the one reading these manifestos)
To make a change that brings out the best in students and in student’s union. (I’ll be the judge of that)
As your SU Development Officer, I would:
Implement Student’s Union Scholarships for the students who are actively involved in the activities of SU (Who’s going to pay for that!?).
Night out and GIAG Rewards Card: Students will be given points for the purchases that they make through the box office or website and these points can be redeemed for the purchases made in SU. (…)
Better options in International/Vegan/Vegetarian food menus will be easily available in the outlets in SU. (I can’t understand this sentence. I’m assuming you’re saying increase the Vegan/Vegetarian)
A customized mini supermarket in SU where students can suggest their own items and it will be made available to purchase for a reasonable price at the earliest (Who defines reasonable? What if I want Nestle products? What if I want bottled water!?).
“Developy” boxes around SU for students to directly address their issues and concerns to the officer (So… feedback forms?). Also there would be weekly drop in sessions (Which nobody will go to…) for students and society members to discuss about the matters that concern the students and the students union.
Enhanced support on student-led projects on sustainability and enterprise (Just using the word enterprise means absolutely nothing!).
Reducing the usage of paper leaflets (Please tell me that you printed this out on your leaflets) by making use of more digital display boards and also ensuring (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) and encouraging the recycled products in SU.
Students Union Festival- A week of fun packed events in SU in collaboration with the Activities Officer!!! (Multiple exclaimation marks are the sure sound of a disturbed mind)
YOUR VISION,MY MISSION! VOTE ASHWIN! (Hey! That’s the name of the show!)
Score: 3/10. There’s so much that sounds like a good idea on paper, but is probably terrible