Sheffield University Officer Elections 2017 (Activities Officer)

Daniela Orrego

Who needs an umbrella with Daniela
10/10. I don't even care that the umbrella makes no sense

Hola (Me llamo T-Bone)! I’m Daniela Orrego (and I’m an alcoholic?) and I want to be your new Activities Officer (DAMMIT).

Let’s be honest, extracurricular activities are the only way you can gain those skills that cannot be taught in a classroom (Yes. That’s literally the definition of extracurricular). Let me continue making our SU #1 in the country by creating activities, opportunities and volunteering that are accessible and great for all.

GET INVOLVED! (Oh god, stop shouting)

  • Daily interactive screen of activities at the Welcome Desk. (How do we interact with it? With our eyes?)
  • Encourage societies to hold a position for PGT /PGR students (I mean…sure?)
  • Bring back the Interfaith Café. (Why, was it on a sabbatical?)
  • Promote GIAG events during weekends and evenings. (So…promote GIAG events?)
  • Advocate volunteering opportunities by creating volunteering promotional videos. (“Hey guys! Look at this video! If it wasn’t for that, I’d never have thought to volunteer!” said nobody. Ever.)

MAKE IT EASY, PEASY! (Please stop shouting)

  • Work with CiCS to construct a more user-friendly room booking system. (AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
  • Create a Facebook group for Presidents of all societies to promote integration. (I mean, what does this solve?)
  • Establish a mentoring programme pairing new societies with more established ones. (How does that help anyone!?)
  • Work with University Departments to promote volunteering opportunities among students.

GROW! (My ears are bleeding)

  • Enhance the financial sustainability of societies by introducing entrepreneurship skills courses with USE. (NONE OF THOSE ARE REAL WORDS)
  • Encourage students to apply for the Participation Grant with more accessible information. (That’s a good idea)
  • Increase publicity for CiCS Creative Media courses. (The fact I had no idea that existed means you’ve already achieved that. GOLD STAR)
  • Promote and raise awareness of the Sheffield Graduate Award among members of societies.

My experience:

16/17 International Students’ Committee Americas’ Representative

16/17 Meet & Greet Deputy Coordinator

16/17 UNICEF Inclusions’ Officer

17/18 UNICEF President

15/17 Law Student Ambassador

16/17 Bar Staff at Uni Night’s Out, Bar One and Interval

SheffMUN 2016 Social Secretary

Active member of many societies including Yoga&Pilates Society, Supertones Society and Golf Society.

Score: 5/10. You buzzworded so you’re a bad person.

Tom Brindley

Bring on the Brindley
2/10. That ain't a pun.
  • Increasing Connections between Sheffield City residents and Sheffield University Students. ​Increasing the amount of volunteering options available to all students to build a stronger relationship with the residents we share this city with. (I’ve read this now 5 times and I still don’t know what you mean)
  • Helping the homeless. ​In England 2015, the estimated number of rough sleepers at any one time was over 3,500. By liaising with external volunteering groups around Sheffield and our Student Unions groups such as “Save Our Sandwiches”, I would like to open a soup kitchen that aims to provide warm meals to our fellow city residents, and to also increase donations and aid that is given out. (Fair play mate but you’re aware you’re running for Activities Officer instead of Welfare, right?)
  • Inter-society events. What makes our University great is our diversity and acceptance of one another. I would like to increase the amount of inter-society events by working with liberation committees to promote and celebrate days and periods of importance such as Diwali. This would strengthen the relationship between societies and groups that may not necessarily cross paths and further develop our Students Union (Still got no idea what you’re talking about).
  • More rehearsal spaces. Spaces in which societies can book to rehearse is a problem with facilities and storage space scarce. I would like to see University buildings such as the Arts Tower and Hicks opened at the weekends to allow societies and groups to practice in comfortable surroundings. (None of the rooms in that building are good to rehease in and you know it)
  • Society Training. I would like to work closely with the Welfare officer (So… do your job) to provide mental health training to members of Students Union Committees to ensure our students wellbeing is always of paramount importance.

Score: 4/10. So many meaningless sentences…

Niall Johnson

-/10 Mate, I know you've got a pun because you reference it down below. Make my life easier, eh?

My name is Niall (And I’m an alcoholic?) and I’m running for Activities Officer (DAMMIT)! My policies should benefit every society and make you S.M.I.L.E (MANDATORY FUN. FUN IS MANDATORY)!


Varsity is a huge sports event that takes place every year (It does? I completely missed it), and brings out the competitive edge in everyone! But why is this incredible celebration exclusive to just sports teams (Probably because sport is inherently competitive?)? I propose we introduce a society varsity in which societies from both universities compete! (This could be hilarious. Imagine competitve papercraft)


Societies are experiencing a storage crisis! Space for equipment is limited and the lockers provided are old and unfit for use (Ain’t that the truth). I’m campaigning for the university to provide more storage space for activities equipment, and accommodate extra storage space in their refurbishment plans! (How many of these sentences haven’t ended with an exclamation mark?)


Participation grants have helped thousands of students fund activities they would otherwise not be able to afford! Our current Activites Officer Anna has worked hard to expand the criteria for participation grants, and I aim to further her vision of participation grants for all! (Jesus christ, this gue’s like an excited border collie)


Societies start their recruitment process at the Freshers’ Week Activities Fair, then tend to disappear! I believe that more recruitment events will allow societies to enhance their membership and be more inclusive! (Or maybe, nobody will go and it’ll just be like Refreshers)


Because of academic commitments, students are often not available during the week, therefore the weekend is the only time they can participate! However, university buildings are not free to use at weekends! A vote for me is a vote to end weekend room hire fees!

Score: 2/10. I can use exclaimation marks too! I’m really good at it!

Emma Lord

Got a dilemma? Go to Emma
5/10. I imagine there was a long meeting to come up with this pun

Inclusivity and Communication

  • Improve inclusions for postgraduate, disabled, international and mature students (Isn’t that what Inclusions is for on each committee)
  • Support and increase awareness of the participation grant (I’m fairly certain everyone said that last year)
  • Increase communication between societies and encourage societal collaboration (But…how?)
  • Develop communication between societies and the Student’s Union so all societies feel supported (But…how?)

Activities Fair

  • Take activities to first years; have a smaller activities fair in the student villages before main fair, making first years aware of opportunities (They tried that, and nobody went)
  • Improve the online database (AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA); allow students to sign up to societies mailing lists online and develop all societies online presence (They can already do that)


  • Increase training available and make it more accessible (How about making it interesting?)
  • Include skills workshops to aid students with future employment
  • Offer training to help with mental health issues, increase awareness of support available to societies


  • Improve links and communications with charities in and around Sheffield to help committees when adopting a charity
  • Publicise volunteering opportunities and encourage societies to make events into fundraising opportunities

Room bookings

  • Move all room bookings online; stop the inconvenience of having to book in person (Yes, but the online system is currently terrible!)
  • Allow all committee members to be nominated room bookers

Storage Space

  • Create more storage space to be available to all societies which is safe and secure (Where are you going to find that space!?)
  • Create a flexible private space for societies to use as they need it, for larger projects that the zone cannot cope with (WHERE!?)


Performing Arts (SUPAS) Committee – President (2016/17)

Performing Arts (SUPAS) Committee – Social Secretary (2015/16)

Score: 2/10. You can’t just invent space.

Fred Gill

Going in for the gill
3/10. I had to get help to understand the bloody thing

Since arriving in Sheffield two and a half years ago I have thrown myself into all that the Union has to offer. From societies, GIAGs and even SU council, I see Activities as an incredibly important area in student life and I want to make it easier to get involved and more rewarding to take part. As your Activities Officer I would; (That’s a brave semi-colon)

1) Make It Easier To Get Involved;

Extend available funds that help students to take part in Activities and Sports, and ensure that it can be accessed for a longer time

Lobby the University to ensure Wednesday is left free for getting involved in Activities and Sport

Have Activities running all year round to ensure there is always something to get involved with (What activites aren’t already running all year round?)

2) Reward You For Engaging;

Giving students recognition for taking part in society activities by revamping Society of the Week

Help students progress through Union Student Leadership by raising the profile of current Student Leaders (There’s student leaders?)

Make it easier for Societies to share their voice on how their Union should be run by inviting students to regular open sessions

3) Provide More Support For Committees;

Develop and streamline the room booking system across the SU and University to ensure that you can access the right space for you

Develop the Union’s equipment and facilities to meet the demand from Student Groups (Where though!?)

Ensuring that all Student Groups feel equal and respected within the Union and University

Go in for the Gill! Vote Fred for Activities!

Score: 7/10. Didn’t have much to mock you for so I guess that’s good?

Patrick Rose

Patrick Rose
A web developer, folk singer, guitarist and caller

Sheffield University Officer Elections 2017 (International Officer)

International officer is always a weird one, mainly because I feel mocking the wording is mocking the fact someone isn't a a native speak...… Continue reading