Sheffield University Officer Elections 2016 (International Officer)

International officers take the brunt of my mockery today. I said this last year, but usually the International Officer candidates say meaningful things, instead of spouting out whatever they just thought of.

Areas of remit
Integration | National Societies | Globalisation
  • Advocating for international students in the Students' Union, University and wider community
  • Promoting and facilitating a diverse student experience for students on campus and off
  • Representing the Students' Union on all matters international

Ana-Gabriela Popa

POP-A The Boundaries
5/10. Not bad actually


My name is Ana-Gabriela Popa (and I’m an alcoholic?). It may seem scary (Goddammit, why do people keep ruining my joke. They never think of me do they?) to run for the second time, but it’s also amazingly exciting (I find doing this exciting, and am amazed as well) because I love fighting (Oh what I’d give to not read any more of this sentence) for International students’ rights. I loved being a member and Chair (For humour’s sake, I’m going to pretend that you were a literal chair) of the International Students’ Committee. I love the SU and the Sheffield Community (N’awwwwww) and I believe in their potential to thrive. I believe the plans I have laid out below will achieve that (I’ll be the judge of that).

As International Students’ Officer, I will:

Campaign for Students’ Rights

To have a Post-Study Work Visa (I think you might be ignored. Sorry)

To preserve the benefits of being part of the EU (especially in terms of travelling, loans, research funding) (1. The brackets are mine. 2. This bloody referendum is going to put a stop to that isn’t it?)

To be supported by the University as guarantor (You’ve got to be kdding me, that doesn’t already happen?) when looking for accommodation (especially with the establishment of landlords’ check on right to stay in the UK) (Two strikes on the bracket stealing. Careful).

Promote Integration between Home and International students by

Encouraging society mash-ups (What, at great speed? “Hey, BoardSoc, Assassins, just run at each other really quickly and see what happens!”)

Encouraging more Home performances in International Students’ Committee events (achieving integration whilst celebrating diversity) (LEAVE MY BRACKETS ALONE)

Creating more residence activities (especially family friendly for students with families and activities targeting the Mature students population) (Listen, if you use brackets all the time, then people get confused when I add my bits inline) – work with Activities Officer (So, do your job?)

Support societies by offering new comprehensive training for Inclusion Officers (That’s actually a good idea. Inclusions are fun!)

Empower International Students

“Find your feet” (At the end of your legs) programme to help students settle in (can be ran during Orientation/ Intro week (If you’re going to steal my brackets, at least steal them properly) – involves two parts: 1. Factual information (ex: right mobile phone contract) (I give up), 2. Dealing with Homesickness (work with Welfare Officer) (grumble)

Leadership programme to access a platform of campaigning and activism (What does that even mean)

Re-analyse academic support and Course rep structure (work with Education Officer)

Score: 0/10. I’m not bitter about you stealing my brackets. No sir.

Ghoona Naizi

Make it snazzy, vota Niazi
8/10. Oooh, that's a good'un


Greetings! I am Ghoona Niazi, an international student from Pakistan. I am currently a Master student with an urge to grow (You don’t look that short in your picture…) and progress in a diverse and versatile atmosphere. I could barely speak English when I first arrived at Sheffield (We don’t speak English here, we speak Yorkshire. That probably made things worse). Due to certain cultural and language barriers, I couldn’t make any friends in the first month. Things were turning out to be worse than I anticipated, but then I realized to redefine my goals and to break my shell to serve the people.

If I get elected I would definitely focus on:

Raising voices for international campaigning and breaking barriers of racism and cultural difference by promoting the notion of One World (One Love! One Heart!).

Promote more scholarship and funding schemes around the globe (I’m not sure if we can do much about that here in Sheffield) in order to endorse world class education to all eligible students.

Raise awareness about Study Skills services provided by university specifically to International students, who face hardships regarding academic skills (In before idiots say that’s racist against the people who aren’t international students…).

Work mutually with Career Services and Advice Centre to solve issues regarding part-time and full-time jobs, accommodations, and very importantly visa issues (Good idea).

Arrange and organize festivals (Those are really easy. Definitely) that will promote globalization in this way that it gives a chance to the home students to learn about different cultures as well.

Put forward a decent platform for more petitions (Oh god, not more) according to student’s will towards the government when required, to make a more competitive educational atmosphere (Eh?).

To persuade on special matters regarding end of study tenure and start of practical life among international students.

Score: 3/10. There’s not a lot there to be honest.

Julius Nchor

Yes we can, together we will
0/10. I feel like I've accidentally stepped into a Tech Start up slogan meeting. Or a cult. More importantly IT ISN'T A PUN


My name is Julius Nchor (And I’m an alcoholic?), I’m currently a postgraduate student (DAMMIT) in Urban Design and Planning, contesting for International Students’ officer. It has been my passion to contribute to the welfare of university students and I wish to take my contributions to the next level ([Insert cheap sex joke here]). Over the years, whilst studying for my degree (See, that was your first mistake), I was involved with the union in a variety of roles, by working with staff and students on a number of projects and issues that matter to students. I was the Student Union President of my university (Why low ball this one!?), and also Director of Finance.

My vision is to make the International students irrespective of race, gender, religion and/ or beliefs, while studying to be free to contribute their opinions with regards to what happens within and outside of the student union.

If I get elected I will…

Set in place machinery to encourage registered associations of different countries to leave up to their responsibility, and create an enabling environment for celebration of festivals of the various countries in the university (This reads like buzzword ipsum).

Encourage dialog between international students, the academia and other stakeholders (Why use the word stakeholders, this is definitely buzzword ipsum), and the participation of corporate bodies via seminars, symposiums, conferences (What’s that even meant to be!?).

Put more emphasis on encouraging international students to harness their capabilities while in school, and will work closely with the career service to help create more job awareness and application (Bit of an annoyance if Visas are as hard to come by as people seem to be claiming).

Support mature and part-time international students whose opinions are barely heard, by including them in open debates and future activities (A good idea).

Surely-Your voice will be heard and acted upon. ()

Score: 1/10. I have no idea what that was

Patrick Rose

Patrick Rose
A web developer, folk singer, guitarist and caller

Sheffield University Officer Elections 2017 (International Officer)

International officer is always a weird one, mainly because I feel mocking the wording is mocking the fact someone isn't a a native speak...… Continue reading